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ThePolishedLady's Writing Corner 


I TRY SOMETHING NEW for #selfcaresunday ✨

I am a firm believer in taking care of yourself that's why I always get excited when Sunday comes around. It's my do as LESS as possible day. I am commonly known for being a busy body and always moving around. That's why Sunday is a reset day for me to do and move as I please. I saw an old client of mine post a flyer about taking a yin yoga class. Did I know what Yin Yoga was before I took the class, No, of course not.

Yesterday, I tried Yin Yoga with @roadtrip2wellness via zoom . From my understanding “Yin Yoga” is about stillness and mediation. As a first timer I was impressed I could be still so long. She reads a new affirmation and keep repeating it throughout the session.

I love that the yoga instructor reminded us to NOT be the hero & try to hard to fit into a pose. She repeated “Find your EDGE” which means what make you feel comfortable.

I felt calmness , trying to breathe out my mouth took a minute to remember but it got done.

I highly recommend you take a class or two. Thanks again for reading and to sign up with LaRona for the YIN yoga ✨

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