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How the candle idea started:

I made a post on Facebook saying I was the modern day Ri-Ri and I enjoy collaborating with different brands. Moments later : reached out about making candles for me. And I told her my story about why I choose to #StayLit.

My Story & why the candles are called “Talk Your Talk” :

Believe it or not, I was quiet throughout my childhood because I took speech therapy all my life up until high school. Most people would tell me think before you speak or they would say they don’t know what I’m saying. Which made me think no one would listen to me so why be use my voice. It was only after I got my internship at Radio One and started as an intern then hired on as a promotions assistant did I realize the power of a voice. How the right words and information could change a person’s mood or lifestyle.

So many times I tried to hide behind the scenes or shot down for the things I wanted to pursue. I decided my voice matters. What I say brings love and light to others day.

“ThePolishedLady” Talk your Talk Candle 🕯️

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