Hey #PolishedPeople,
I wanted to make sure I passed the message along about all the great ways you can give back in the month of August. Normally when you hear give back you think donate your dollars and that might be true in some cases but there's a couple unique giving back opportunities you can take part in Indianapolis, IN & globally during the month of August.
1st : #BossBabeNetwork is hosting a Talent Show that will be donating all the proceeds to a couple women led, non profits that are specifically unique to Indianapolis. The Talent show is hosted by Olivia West, the founder of the speaking company and an emcee for the Indiana Fever. August 12th from 6:00-9:00pm come enjoy talent but more importantly support the women doing essential work in our community.
To join the talent show , send your E-Auditions to the email listed below.
2nd: The S.E.A Leaders Inc is giving you the opportunity to highlight businesses in the community. How you might ask? They are hosted the 2023 S.E.A Leader awards on December 2nd, 2023 which tickets are available for purchase right now. You have until August 30th , 2023 to submit your nominations for the businesses that you experienced the best customer service, the best customer experience or provide the best vendor experience. This is the time to give your flowers to the business or the businesses that you believe have gone above and beyond. Just fill out the nomination questions and we will see you at the Awards . Did I mention my girl, Marquice Gee of G4 Unlimited is hosting and its guaranteed to be an amazing time.
Shoutout to Jennica, the CEO of S.E.A. Leaders for letting me bring the buzz around the nominations.
3rd : The Mom Cave Co. & The Mary Jane Foundation is hosting a Community Baby Shower in September but it's never too early to volunteer your time to ensure we put on a successful event. I remember not being able to have a baby shower due to the fact I was trying to have ThePolishedPrince that whole week. The week Waalid was born, we couldn't take him home because he was a preemie and we didn't have a carseat but My good buddy, Shane Shepard looked out and bought us one. Every Mom doesn't always have a community to turn to so let's be that for the next mom or family in need.
I am Hosting & if you would like more information to join us in our efforts or where to donate items please send an email to themomcave317@gmail.com.
4th : Black Woman on a Mission has a scholarship fund to help black women into their college journeys. Camille McCallum the founder of Black woman on a mission saw someone who was trying to sell her brand without her. So long story short, She got the Black Woman on a mission mugs and decided to start the Lucille's Kids Memorial Scholarship Fund to help young black women complete their education. You have until August 15th to purchase a mug and the funds will go towards the scholarship. If you've never seen the brand before shame on you but check them out on social media & shop the merch here . Did I mention I am a proud brand ambassador and was featured on the founder's very popping TikTok :